Feb 3Liked by Elizabeth Wainwright

From the intimate to the Universal and back again for reflection with ease:)

Howard Jones was another guy who voiced the eternal question - Is it only men who have deep trouble with this and is there a clue there??

For interdependence The Associates “Party Fears Two” could say a lot about how a single voter suits politics as it is a somewhat selfish, less nuanced and perhaps a less true vote - Imagine if couples had a conversation on how they each wanted to vote and then how they should vote as a joint vote for the long term as embodied by their partnership if that was a thing.

“Everything Flows Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology” by Nicholson & Dupre’ is a good book and just the 4 page Foreword by Johannes Jaeger is worth having by itself + Anne Sophie Meincke writing at the back is founded on wide ranging interests.

Thanks for your writing Elizabeth.

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I think interdependence is not something many British people find easy, as it involves making ourselves vulnerable to each other and admitting that we can’t do everything by ourselves. In that respect, it’s deeply counter cultural. Thank you for this thoughtful piece x

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