Feb 16Liked by Elizabeth Wainwright

"I’m curious about our attachment to places, about what makes a community thrive or wither, about how we reach past divides and difference."

>What makes a community thrive or wither - a once a month pop up village pub isn't a half bad way for a community to thrive (speaking as someone who has just been to one).

>how we reach beyond divides and division - often only by going through a period of silence, absorption and a return to the place of pain having dispensed with the negative emotion.

"Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you" Aldous Huxley

Two words you used which stood out were 'Aliveness' and 'Numinous' which seem to operate very comfortably together...

Thank you Elizabeth for your always thought provoking words by hand and via keyboard.

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Feb 11Liked by Elizabeth Wainwright

What a lovely introduction. We have a lot in common - books we both like, poetry (I love the Lautus Press editions) and an interest in our connection to place. I am from Wales originally and currently live in Australia, and never feel at home properly anywhere. I feel more attached to spaces I make with my family than the actual location. My son lives in Nairobi at the moment and I have, unexpectedly, greatly enjoyed exploring Kenya. Definitely think. like you, that we need more kindness and compassion in the world. I look forward to reading more - and then creating a stronger attachment in supporting your writing.

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