Mar 13Liked by Elizabeth Wainwright

Your section on ideas reminded me of this beautiful children’s book - in fact the whole series is wonderful. Do check it out https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/What-Do-You-Do-With-an-Idea-10th-Anniversary-Edition-by-Kobi-Yamada-author-Mae-Besom-illustrator/9781957891347

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I have wondered where people go when they pass away. I don't mean whether there is an afterlife; rather, that when someone dies they are no longer materially with us, but they don't leave us - we remember them and what they meant to us, perhaps memories of specific events or sayings. Those memories are within the circuits of our brains, a material, non-abstract 'thing' of an abstract noun, a molecular arrangement in another of a molecular arrangement that is no more. When someone passes something of them remains inside someone else.

I have no conclusion to this thought, other than people are much more than their physical selves

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Mar 10Liked by Elizabeth Wainwright

Lovely words thoughts and sensation shared here Elizabeth, thank you 😊

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